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C.C. Hogan

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Using Amazon Author Central
A while ago Amazon launched Author Central, a simple resource where an author can upload a profile that is attached to any books they may have published. I have created a profile for myself on both the dot com and UK site (It appears you have to create these individually) which was a fairly painless operation.
Using HTML in Kindle Book Descriptions
Careful use of HTML in book descriptions on Amazon KDP can really make your book stand out. Here is a simple guide plus a FREE online editor to make life a little simpler.
Could Amazon improve their service for Independent Authors?
Following an email from myself to the KDP team at Amazon, they have reduced the first book in my new Fantasy series Dirt to zero so it is permanently free. This is crucial part of my sell, because as an author it is one of the few marketing techniques I can afford to help sell my whole series. It made me think about the Amazon KDP offering and how it could be improved to help Amazon, Authors and the vital readers.