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C.C. Hogan

What the Fairy did Next

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January 24, 1961

This fairy is now officially a rock and roll chick!  Boogaloo, mummy!  I am not totally certain I have my pretty little head completely around the rock and roll genre, but my habit of bare feet is attracting attention and imitators.  The rest of me bare is attracting less imitation, but I think I might be ahead of my time a little and I am reining back on that particular promotional gambit.

In some ways I am overqualified for the scene, daddy-o, as I have already lived through one decade of cool back in the twenties, though I am keeping quiet about it as that is when the mummies and daddies did their thing and that is seriously un-cool, apparently.  Best Buddy is taking the lead here as rock and roll, or rock ‘n’ roll as they insist on saying, is firmly rooted in his roots, though he hasn’t actually revisited those roots since about 1924.

Our first little forty-five, The Fairy Cake Rock, has found a few friends on the wireless and the little teeny-boppers seems to like it.  I worry it is what they call a novelty song, but it is a start, and at least we are eating and have coal on the fire.  It is odd that after all these years Best Buddy and me are still living together.  There is nothing romantic going on and neither of us have much in the way of romance going on elsewhere, unless we are flush for cash, but it seems to work.  I introduced him to the aging troll and fawn parents and Aladdin the Frog eventually and I think they all got on swimmingly, especially Aladdin, but then that is about the only way he does get on.  Mummy thinks he has eventually accepted his shape, though I am not sure how she knows; he is a frog, mummy dear, get your head round it!  After all these years I have actually been properly cleared as the Wandas have tracked down the previous owner of my wand and she was, indeed, trying to turn someone into a frog when she was flattened by a passing cow.  Further details have been suppressed, which is frustrating, but that is what the powers that be are like, sad to say: all puff, no dragon.

We are back on the road tonight, or at least the rail since that is how we are touring now; very hip!  I have to share a carriage with a group of dancers who could be straight out of the 1930s with red lipstick and powder by the pail load.  I do hope they get none on my biker chick leathers or there might be some extra girlies in the frog population by Birmingham.  To be honest, looking at some of the knees, I doubt anyone would notice.


Next: May 22, 1971 »

  1. What the Fairy did Next
  2. March 31, 1912
  3. September 30, 1916
  4. August 12, 1919
  5. December 20, 1920
  6. June 13, 1921
  7. July 28, 1925
  8. February 21 1935
  9. March 24 1943, Asia
  10. December 4, 1959
  11. January 24, 1961
  12. May 22, 1971
  13. March 31 2012


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