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C.C. Hogan

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Free Story - Yona and the Beast
Start your journey on the world of Dirt today with this FREE standalone short story. Yona is a slave, held in a cold, lightless room in the North Hoar Ridge of Bind. When she and her friends have the opportunity to escape, they are helped by an amazing, huge beast that carries them across the continent.
My new books have arrived
However nervous I am, I love that moment when books arrive, hot off the press! I have been slaving over Dirt for the last year, and the first four books landed with a thump on my doormat a couple of hours ago. So, what next?
Brand new covers for the fantasy Dirt
January 2016 and after a lot of hard work, I have now released new covers for series one of my massive fantasy saga, Dirt. New dragons, new maps, new backgrounds and a stronger, richer feel. All are now uploaded, though they may not show up immediately in all areas.
Dirt - Planning the Next Huge Saga
I can't help myself; I woke up in the middle of the night and realised I had started writing the sequel, or perhaps the prequel, to Dirt. Set seven thousand years earlier, it is a very different book...
Who are the women of Dirt?
The second series of Dirt focusses heavily on dragons, but at the centre are two incredible female characters; Silvi Farthing and Ferret. Silvi is only seventeen, but she lives in an unequal world where women, particularly young women, are seen as second-class citizens. In this series, not only do I tell a heroic tale, but put a spotlight on inequality.